126 research outputs found

    Control mechanisms for mobile terminals in heterogeneous access technology environments

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    Internet is evolving to become mobile and ubiquitous. As a consequence, there is a trend towards a diversification of the access technologies, as it can be seen with the recent appearance of wireless technologies such as WiFi or UMTS and the future deployment of WiMAX. Following these new opportunities, multi-technology terminals able to connect to the Internet through different technologies are appearing in the market. In this scenario, users start to demand new solutions able to use these new technologies in a transparent way from the user point of view. Foreseeing this demand, the IEEE started developing the specification IEEE 802.21, which enables multi-technology terminals to handover from one technology to another in a transparent way for the user. This specification has not yet being finished, and its deployment requires from the research community to analyze how to integrate it in current networks, how to achieve maximum benefit from its possibilities, and how to configure its parameters. In this thesis we propose control mechanisms for IP terminals to i) support efficient handovers in multi-technology environments applying the 802.21 framework and ii) allow the use of several interfaces and/or multiple providers by the terminals to improve the failure robustness of their communications. These mechanisms are focused in the terminal, although we also provide details on how to integrate IEEE 802.21 into nowadays operator's networks. The contributions of this thesis are threefold. In the first place the integration of 802.21 into terminals has been studied, focusing on the configuration of the parameters required to decide when to perform a handover in the case when the handover is initiated by the terminal. This analysis has also been done taking into account variables such as the terminal speed and the delay of the links. In the second place, we have studied how to introduce the Network Controlled Handover concept, using 802.21, into the network, including the possibility of the handover being initiated by the network. We have analyzed which are the main benefits of this approach and proposed and validated an implementation of this concept in 802.21. In third place we have analyzed a protocol, REAP, under development in the IETF, which allows terminals to detect and recover from failures in the links used in their communications. We have focused in the analytical characterization of the time required to detect a failure, since this parameter is crucial for the application's behavior. The applications should be able to cope with a failure without being disrupted by it. Through the analytical study performed, the REAP protocol can be properly configured to achieve a target recovery time. All the proposed mechanisms have been validated through simulation, using several tools such as OPNET, OMNET++ and MatlabLas tecnologías de acceso están evolucionando hacia un perfil móvil y ubicuo. Así mismo se está produciendo una diversificación en las tecnologías de acceso disponibles, con la proliferación de tecnologías inalámbricas como WiFi o UMTS y el despliegue próximo de WiMAX. Con la diversificación en el acceso aparecen también los primeros terminales multi-tecnología, capaces de utilizar diferentes redes simultáneamente. En este escenario, los usuarios empiezan a demandar soluciones y servicios capaces de utilizar estas tecnologías de forma transparente al usuario. Anticipándose a esta demanda, el IEEE comenzó la estandarización de la especificación 802.21 que permitirá a terminales multi-tecnología la posibilidad de realizar traspasos transparentes entre diferentes redes de acceso. Dicha especificación todavía no ha sido completada y su despliegue requiere la investigación de cómo integrarla en las redes actuales, cómo obtener el máximo beneficio de las posibilidades que presenta, así como de la configuración de sus parámetros. En la presente Tesis Doctoral proponemos una arquitectura que dota a terminales IP de mecanismos de control para i) soportar movilidad eficiente en entornos multi-tecnología en el marco de 802.21 y ii) permitir el uso de múltiples interfaces y/o proveedores con el objetivo de mejorar la robustez ante fallos en las comunicaciones. Dicha arquitectura se centra en el terminal aunque también se aportan detalles de cómo introducir las modificaciones requeridas por IEEE 802.21 en las redes de los operadores. Las contribuciones realizadas son varias. En primer lugar se ha estudiado la integración de IEEE 802.21 en un terminal, centrándonos en la configuración de los parámetros utilizados para determinar el momento del traspaso cuando éste es iniciado por el terminal. En segundo lugar se estudió cómo introducir, usando IEEE 802.21, el concepto de traspaso controlado por la red incluyendo la posibilidad de que la propia red sea la iniciadora del traspaso, analizando sus beneficios y aportando una propuesta de implementación dentro de IEEE 802.21. En tercer lugar analizamos un protocolo, REAP, que se está desarrollando dentro del IETF para permitir, desde los terminales, la detección y recuperación frente a fallos en los enlaces usados en sus comunicaciones. Dentro de este bloque nos centramos en la caracterización analítica del tiempo requerido para detectar un fallo ya que este parámetro es de vital importancia para el funcionamiento de las aplicaciones, que deben poder sobrevivir a un fallo sin verse completamente interrumpidas por él. Con el estudio analítico realizado es posible configurar REAP para alcanzar un tiempo determinado de recuperación ante fallo. Todos los mecanismos propuestos han sido validados mediante simulación empleando diversas herramientas como OPNET, OMNET++ y Matla

    Practical Evaluation of a Network Mobility Solution

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    IFIP International Workshop on Networked Applications, Colmenarejo, Madrid/Spain, 6–8 July, 2005As the demand of ubiquitous Internet access and the current trend of all-IP communications keep growing, the necessity of a protocol that provides mobility management increases. The IETF has specified protocols to provide mobility support to individual nodes and networks. The Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support protocol is designed for providing mobility at IP level to complete networks, allowing a Mobile Network to change its point of attachment to the Internet, while maintaining ongoing sessions of the nodes of the network. All the mobility management is done by the mobile router whilst the nodes of the network are not even aware of the mobility. The main aim of this article is evaluating the performance of the NEMO Basic Support protocol by using our implementation. We also discuss the design of an implementation of the NEMO Basic Support protocol.Publicad

    5G-DIVE: eDge Intelligence for Vertical Experimentation

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    This paper has been presented at : Global Experimentation for Future Internet (GEFI) 2019 Workshop5G-DIVE targets end-to-end 5G trials aimed at proving the technical merits and business value proposition of 5G technologies in two vertical pilots, namely (i) Industry 4.0 and (ii) Autonomous Drone Scout. Its design is built around two main pillars, namely (1) end-to-end 5G connectivity including 5G New Radio, Crosshaul transport and 5G Core, and (2) distributed edge and fog computing integrating intelligence located closely to the user to achieve optimized performance, mproving significantly the business value proposition of 5G in each targeted vertical application.This work has been funded by the H2020 EU/TW joint action 5G-DIVE (Grant #859881)

    waveSLAM: Empowering accurate indoor mapping using off-the-shelf millimeter-wave self-sensing

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    Proceedings of: 2023 IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2023-Fall, 10-13 October 2023, Hong Kong.This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of waveSLAM, a low-cost mobile robot system that uses the millimetre wave (mmWave) communication devices to enhance the indoor mapping process targeting environments with reduced visibility or glass/mirror walls. A unique feature of waveSLAM is that it only leverages existing Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware (Lidar and mmWave radios) that are mounted on mobile robots to improve the accurate indoor mapping achieved with optical sensors. The key intuition behind the waveSLAM design is that while the mobile robots moves freely, the mmWave radios can periodically exchange angle and distance estimates between themselves (self-sensing) by bouncing the signal from the environment, thus enabling accurate estimates of the target object/material surface. Our experiments verify that waveSLAM can archive cm-level accuracy with errors below 22 cm and 20◦ in angle orientation which is compatible with Lidar when building indoor maps.This work has been partially funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101095759 (Hexa-X-II) and the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and the European Union-Next Generation EU through the UNICO 5G I+D 6G-EDGEDT

    Crypton: CRYptographic Prefixes for Route Optimization in NEMO

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    Proceedings of: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010), 23-27 May, 2010, Cape Town, South AfricaThe aviation community is in the process of designing the next generation Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN), based on Internet standards, to provide airground communications for the aircraft. Support for mobile networks in the current Internet architecture is provided by the NEtwork Mobility (NEMO) protocol. As currently defined, NEMO Basic Support protocol lacks of Route Optimization support which is an essential requirement for its adoption as part of the next generation ATN. This paper presents a novel security tool, the Crypto Prefixes, and their application to the Route Optimization in Nemo (CRYPTRON). The Crypto Prefixes are IPv6 prefixes with embedded cryptographic information that enable the Mobile Network Prefix proof-of ownership without any centralized trust infrastructure. In CRYPTRON, the Crypto Prefixes are used to protect the establishment of the bindings on the Correspondent Nodes for the whole Mobile Network PrefixEuropean Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad

    pDCell: an End-to-End Transport Protocol for Mobile Edge Computing Architectures

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    Pendiente publicación 2019To deal with increasingly demanding services and the rapid growth in number of devices and traffic, 5G and beyond mobile networks need to provide extreme capacity and peak data rates at very low latencies. Consequently, applications and services need to move closer to the users into so-called edge data centers. At the same time, there is a trend to virtualize core and radio access network functionalities and bring them to edge data centers as well. However, as is known from conventional data centers, legacy transport protocols such as TCP are vastly suboptimal in such a setting. In this work, we present pDCell, a transport design for mobile edge computing architectures that extends data center transport approaches to the mobile network domain. Specifically, pDCell ensures that data traffic from application servers arrives at virtual radio functions (i.e., C-RAN Central Units) timely to (i) minimize queuing delays and (ii) to maximize cellular network utilization. We show that pDCell significantly improves flow completion times compared to conventional transport protocols like TCP and data center transport solutions, and is thus an essential component for future mobile networks.This work is partially supported by the European Research Council grant ERC CoG 617721, the Ramon y Cajal grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness RYC-2012-10788, by the European Union H2020-ICT grant 644399 (MONROE), by the H2020 collaborative Europe/Taiwan research project 5G-CORAL (grant num. 761586) and the Madrid Regional Government through the TIGRE5-CM program (S2013/ICE-2919). Further, the work of Dr. Kogan is partially supported by a grant from the Cisco University Research Program Fund, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation.No publicad

    HDMM: deploying client and network-based distributed mobility management

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    Mobile operators are now facing the challenges posed by a huge data demand from users, mainly due to the introduction of modern portable devices and the success of mobile applications. Moreover, users are now capable to connect from different access networks and establish several active sessions simultaneously, while being mobile. This triggered the introduction of a new paradigm: the distributed mobility management (DMM) which aims at flattening the network and distributing the entities in charge of managing users' mobility. In this article, we review existing DMM proposals and describe a hybrid solution which benefits from combining a network-based and a client-based approach. We analyze the signaling cost and the handover latency of our proposal, comparing them with their centralized alternatives. We also include validation and performance results from experiments conducted with a Linux-based prototype, which show that achievable enhancements depend on the underlying network topology. We argue that the proposed hybrid DMM solution provides additional flexibility to the mobile network operators, which can decide when and how to combine these two approaches.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT-2009-5) under Grant agreement n. 258053 (MEDIEVAL project) and from the Spanish Government, MICINN, under research grant TIN2010-20136-C0

    Support for availability attributes in network slices in GANSO

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    Network slicing provides a way to define logically isolated networks over the same and shared physical infrastructure. This paper departs from previous work defining GST And Network Slice Operator (GANSO), a framework for automating the creation of network slices over SDN architectures, and proposes extensions to support the availability attribute as defined by the GSMA Generic Network Slice Template (GST). This new attribute is integrated and implemented within the GANSO framework, being validated through a set of experimental results.This work has been (partially) funded by H2020 EU/TW 5G-DIVE (Grant 859881) and H2020 5Growth (Grant 856709). It has been also funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (TRUE5G project, PID2019-108713RB-C52PID2019-108713RB-52/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Analytic Evaluation and Experimental Validation of a Network-Based IPv6 Distributed Mobility Management Solution

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    Mobile Internet traffic is growing steeply, mainly due to the deployment of new broadband wireless technologies and the ever increasing connectivity demand coming from new services being available to mobile users. Current mobile network architectures rely on centralized mobility protocols which intrinsically pose enormous burdens on the central anchors, both in terms of connectivity needs and user mobility management. In order to face these issues, a new paradigm, called Distributed Mobility Management, is being explored, based on flattening the network architecture by deploying multiple mobility anchors at the edge of the network. In this article we conduct an analytic and experimental evaluation of a network-based IP distributed mobility management solution that leverages Proxy Mobile IPv6 protocol operations. We develop an analytic model of the signaling and packet delivery costs, as well as the handover latency of both Proxy Mobile IPv6 and our distributed solution. We have also implemented a Linux-based prototype of our proposal, which has been used to experimentally assess the handover latency in a real IEEE 802.11 scenario. Finally, we use the results obtained from the analytic and experimental performance to evaluate the benefits that could be achieved by deploying a distributed mobility management solution.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Program FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement 317941-project iJOIN. The European Union and its agencies are not liable or otherwise responsible for the contents of this document; its content reflects the view of its authors only. The research of Antonio de la Oliva has also been partially funded from the Spanish Government, MICINN, under research Grant TIN2010-20136-C03Publicad

    Analysis of the effect of mobile terminal speed on WLAN/3G vertical handovers

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    Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM '06, San Francisco, California, 27 november - 1 december, 2006.WLAN hot-spots are becoming widely spread. This, combined with the availability of new multi-mode terminals integrating heterogeneous technologies, opens new business opportunities for mobile operators. Scenarios in which 3G coverage is complemented by WLAN deployments are becoming available. Thus, true all-IP based networks are ready to offer a new variety of services across heterogeneous access. However, to achieve this, some aspects still need to be analyzed. In particular, the effect of the terminal speed on the detection and selection process of the preferred access network is not yet well understood. In fact, efficiency of vertical handovers depends on the appropriate configuration of mobile devices. In this paper we present a simulation study of handover performance between 3G and WLAN access networks showing the impact of mobile users’ speed. The mobile devices are based on the IEEE 802.21 cross layer architecture and use WLAN signal level thresholds as handover criteria. A novel algorithm to dynamically adjust terminals’ configuration is presented.Publicad